
Podcast Recap: How Healthcare Organizations Are Driving Technological Innovation



Understanding the lifestyle of our users means empathizing with the day-in-the-life of a clinician. Every five minutes, their course of action pivots. Life as a clinician often means your shift is met with workflow interruptions, and this unpredictability can create bottlenecks in the process to administer care.

Efficient, clear communication is non-negotiable in the acute care space, and we recognize this. The ability to present our users with concise information at the touch of a button, enabling them to make the right decisions with the right context is paramount.

The success of our customers is at the heart of what we do—that is why we collaborate in tandem every step of product development and implementation. Our VP of Product Management, Bill Reid, recently sat down with HIMSS to discuss the process of developing Mobile Heartbeat’s product strategy while keeping our customers at the forefront of product roadmap design.

What does developing product strategy look like at Mobile Heartbeat?

Our platform is developed and delivered utilizing SAFe methodology: Scaled Agile Framework. Leveraging SAFe, a product backlog is crafted based on user-need priority. Our engineering team is thoroughly involved during this process, gauging the sizing and scope through each product increment (PI). This process allows our teams to analyze new initiatives able to go live through each PI.

Obtaining user feedback is integral to the product development process. An emphasis is placed on developing new product features for our customers and record their feedback to apply to future projects. Understanding how each feature we develop correlates to a specific workflow helps us identify our users’ greatest needs in a collaboration platform.

What user initiatives are prioritized during product design?

First and foremost, we pinpoint streamlining our users’ workflows while creating the most intuitive experience possible.

Not only do we focus on designing our product to best suit clinicians, but we also design our product to ensure the patient will have the ultimate care experience—widespread adoption of our technology has a demonstrated track record of reducing length of stay, removing obstacles to care and eliminating common workflow bottlenecks while expediting communication.

Does Mobile Heartbeat foresee expansion beyond acute care?

Our mission is to support the entire patient journey, from initial admission to the hospital, through cross-departmental treatments and care plans, and through discharge and follow-up appointments at ambulatory care centers. A connected care team can better serve their patients at every step of the healing process, and that’s ultimately what we’ve been working to provide for our customers. Partnering with Microsoft drives future integration capabilities and will allow Mobile Heartbeat a larger touchpoint within the enterprise.

How does Mobile Heartbeat keep a pulse on the ever-evolving acute care space?

Keeping a pulse on the newest industry technology continuously shapes how we design our platforms and what updates we make. Regular meetings with our customers and partners, keeping tabs on industry blogs and attending trade shows and events keeps us in tune with the progression of the industry so we can expand and progress simultaneously.

In what ways will the future of cloud benefit our users?

Cloud architecture can make a platform more scalable, lending the ability to release new functionality much faster than an on-premises solution. The environments that can be generated are high-quality, integrated solutions. It allows us to integrate with other technology and assist our customers quickly and reliably. Collaborating with Microsoft Azure security teams ensures that cloud-based communication adheres to best practices for a multi-tenant SaaS based solution.

Listen to the full podcast for more information on how our product roadmap is positioned to change the healthcare IT industry.

Mobile Heartbeat Team


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